VC999 Packaging Systems model RS560 Rollstock Vacuum Tray Former and Sealer

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VC999 Packaging Systems model RS560 Rollstock Vacuum Tray Former and Sealer

VC999 Packaging Systems model RS560 Rollstock Vacuum Tray Former and Sealer
- Vacuum forming, hand loading, top sealing
- Electric eye for print registration for top sealer
- Cutting station to separate packages
- Film trim is automatically removed
- Max strokes per minute: 4.5 cycles/minute
- Max index length: 650 mm
- Draw depth: 50 mm
- Forming width of lid film: 563 mm
- Film roll diameter: 500 mm
- Compressed air: min. 7 bar
- Vacuum pump
- Serial#RS56012662390
- 3 phase, 60 cycle, 400 volts
- Current tooling 7.75” x 4” x 2.25” deep cavities
- Overall length of the machine 29-ft 4”. 8-feet wide. (Can remove a 7.5 ft long hand fed section to make the machine smaller)

Location: Washington
Stock No: 80372
