Tinsley 74" & 60"Chocolate Belt Coaters

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Tinsley 74" & 60"Chocolate Belt Coaters

Tinsley 74" & 60" Chocolate Belt Coaters

This belt coater is constructed completely of stainless steel with a food grade polypropylene belt and sidewalls. Using a heated top scraper to return maximum of the chocolate from the belt surface
back into the processed product.

74" coater: 600 to 800 lbs/hr
60" coater: 300 to 600 lbs/hr

Includes the following:

Intralox Series 800 mat top belting, 76" wide, and complete with all necessary UHMWP carry-way support wear strips. Driven by a 3 HP motor, 1750 RPM, complete with the gearbox for a final output
Of 76 RPM, or a linear belt speed of up to 200-FPM max. Drive motor controlled via variable frequency speed controller for belt speed adjustment from 0 - 200 FPM. This will allow for excellent product
tumble and uniform product coating at its proper belt speed for the different products. 2000 CFM air intake blower. Optional (2) 850 CFM each rear mounted exhaust fans.
The chocolate feed will be controlled by a variable speed water-jacketed chocolate pump feeding directly into a center fed water-jacketed drip manifold. The drip nozzles of 3-mm diameter will be
on 2" centers,
Allowing for a good chocolate feed for uniform product coating. This coater will be equipped with 35 drip nozzles. Manifold is secured in place with sanitary fittings for easy removal and cleaning.
It includes a self-contained heating system with adjustable immersion heater and circulating pump.

To prevent product traveling with the belt, an electrically heated scraping/retaining bar spaced about 1/16" from the belt surface will scrape the product off the belt and drop it down to the
other product area for reuse and processing. This will minimize chocolate waste.

A final belt surface scraper bar will be installed against the bottom of the belt to remove any excess chocolate from the belt surface. This chocolate will be collected within the easy removable
collecting pan for reuse and return to the melting tank. This trolley assembly with the collecting pans will be floor supported, therefore not affect the load cells.

· An interior light will light up the product processing area for easy inspection during the processing.

· Lexan front doors will allow for easy product access and inspection.

· Basic machine with manual controls and wired for 230 Volts, 3 Ph., 60 Hz., with main disconnect

· Machine size and weight:

74" Belt Coater - 105" long x 76" deep x 86" height; about 3,000 pounds
60" Belt Coater - 91" long x 76" deep x 86" height; about 3,000 pounds

Electrical and control features:

1. Nema 12 Electrical Enclosure mounted on hinges for rear access to machine. (Panel can be Lockout tag out main disconnect. (Fused with low peak Type J fuses.)
2. Main MCR for E-stop circuit.
3. Allen Bradley PLC with Ethernet communication to display. (This feature allows easy interfacing with a SCADE information or control system.)
4. Color 6 in touch screen with Ethernet IP communications.
5. Allen Bradley Power Flex 4 drive with display.
6. Circuit breakers for control wiring and power protection.
7. Stack light to show status of machine and completion of batch cycle.
8. Load cell control is a four channel input controller.
9. No electrical custom design parts .(Replacements parts should be locally available)
10.Maintenance screens in display for manual operation of all electrical devices.
11. On the fly recipes adjustment.
12. Watch screen to monitor cycle position. (See what step you are on how much time is left.)
13. Displays Current weight on display.
14. Adjustable run and unload speeds.15 Tare button to zero out load cells.
16. Spray system controls can be tested offline so that setup can be accomplished without wasting product.

74" Tinsley belt coater with 2000 CFM Blower $137,600
60" Tinsley belt coater with 2000 CFM blower $135,500

Standard features:

PLC with Color Touch Screen and Allen Bradley controls/display
Load Cells
Variable speed chocolate pump control
3-Way 1.5" Automatic solenoid controlled valve for chocolate feed
Drip manifold with adjustable drip nozzles
Wash down motor
Wash down inlet blower
(2) rear mounted exhaust fans 850CFM

Optional items:

Upgrade to 3/60/480 volt power $1,826
Remote control panel in S/S box with 20' bundle wire - call for price
Remote Pedestal SS PLC machine control - call for price
1.5" Chocolate Pump with drive and water jacketed head $6,650
3-Head Spray system to replace drip bar $8,470
Dual manifold drip bar with piping, two-way chocolate valve $6,455
Wash down tank heater for spray system - call for price
UL approved panel - call for price
NEMA 4X stainless steel electrical box - call for price
Crating $1,000

Stock No: 74413q


